Cross Cultural Competence in the Department of Defense: An Annotated Bibliography

This document was produced through an ad hoc collaboration among scientists from three Military Services (U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Marine Corps) to summarize and highlight 3C research focused on, or relevant to, the military. In a resource-constrained environment, many scientists working on cross-cultural competence efforts felt it important to capture some of what had already been accomplished to help reduce duplication of effort. In addition to providing an annotated list of readily accessible, existing research in the 3C domain, the authors also wished to give audiences an introduction that would provide them a high-level overview of the military context for their research. Given time and personnel constraints, it was not feasible to attempt an exhaustive examination of all available literatures across all relevant disciplines. Therefore, what follows is neither a comprehensive bibliography nor a literature review. We hope it will be a useful starting place for new researchers and program developers. We also hope it will encourage researchers to leverage existing work and build partnerships that help advance the overall effort.