Standard of Living in Libya

Video Transcript

Tunisia was the big hospital of Libya. That's the least thing. In Libya, they cannot actually treat. Oh, we have hospitals in Tunisia that are named 'Libyan hospitals.' That doesn't mean that they are made differently than other hospitals. They are private, but, when you go to that hospital, you have to have with every room for the patient; you have to have a family, another room or two for their families. Because they have to come and stay for [a] long time for... To stay with their patient, because they don't have that ability to treat them [at] home. And that's sad for a country that big, for a country that rich, that it's even, the basic needs are not met. And not because they don't have money or ability, it's just because one person decided that that's the only way he can control. And that's that. Now they have to start from scratch, if they get the chance to [do] that, hopefully.

In this video, a Tunisian national discusses the standard of living in Libya under Gadhafi.