Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, July-September 2014

This Culture, Regional Expertise and Language (CREL) focused issue of the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin contains contributions from CREL stakeholders who are engaged in today’s “heavylifting” and setting the conditions for a globally responsive and regionally engaged Army.

Assessing the Development of Cross-Cultural Competence in Soldiers

The contemporary operational environment is often characterized by ambiguous, multi-cultural contexts, where Army Soldiers must rapidly adapt without extensive prior knowledge of a region or its people. Ongoing training development efforts are addressing the need for general cross-cultural competence, but this broad competence must be clearly defined and assessed in order to determine if Soldiers are being adequately prepared.

Conceptualizing Multicultural Perspective Taking Skills

Increasingly, the United States Army operates in multinational, and therefore, multicultural, environments. Teamwork within such settings requires the ability to see events as members of other cultures see them. The goal of the research was to define a set of multicultural perspective taking skills that will enable Army leaders to function effectively in multinational alliances.