Why Study Culture?

DLNSEO Culture Team
Enjoy this interesting article about how cultural analysis and understanding food culture is employed in the private sector to encourage consumption and inform marketing strategies. 

The Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research

Graham Plaster
The Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research in the United States of America (SIETAR USA) is an educational membership organization for professionals concerned with the challenges and rewards of intercultural relations. Members work within business and industry, consulting, training, K-12 and higher education, counseling, all aspects of the media and arts.

What is USAID's Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation?

Graham Plaster
USAID's Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation (CMC) serves as the primary point of contact with the Department of Defense (DOD). The office responds to the National Security Strategy's demand that development be a strong and equal partner with diplomacy and defense in collective pursuit of a world that promotes peace, security and opportunity for all.

What is Anthropology?

Asya Anderson

When I tell people I meet that I’m an anthropologist, I sometimes get a blank stare in return. Occasionally someone will ask if I’ve dug up any cool artifacts lately or if I’m like that lady on the TV show Bones. One acquaintance nicknamed me “Jane Goodall.” Another challenged me to name all of the dinosaurs ever discovered.

Since 9-11, over 109,250 members of the U.S. military have attained citizenship through service

Graham Plaster
The Military Accessions Vital to National Interest (MANVI) program authorizes the military services to recruit certain legal aliens whose skills are considered to be vital to the national interest. Those holding critical skills – physicians, nurses, and certain experts in language with associated cultural backgrounds – would be eligible.