Cultural Assessments and Campaign Planning

This monograph proposes that a major deficiency in current Joint doctrine is the failure to conduct cultural assessment of population groups in an area of operations and to integrate these results into the campaign planning process.

Conceptualizing Multicultural Perspective Taking Skills

Increasingly, the United States Army operates in multinational, and therefore, multicultural, environments. Teamwork within such settings requires the ability to see events as members of other cultures see them. The goal of the research was to define a set of multicultural perspective taking skills that will enable Army leaders to function effectively in multinational alliances.

Why Culture Matters: An Empirically-Based Pre-Deployment Training Program

This report discusses how and why culture matters to the military by analyzing both the operational environment and culture, and recommending an empirically-based pre-deployment training program that trains military members to operate at a higher level of effectiveness required for stability operations and today’s “strategic sergeant” informational environment.