Online Courses at the US Institute of Peace

United States Institute of Peace Logo - swooping, artistic bird with olive branch, USIOP name circling the logo.

Practitioners in governments, international organizations, non-profit organizations, the military, and the private sector require knowledge and skills to effectively respond to highly volatile, multi-actor, multi-sectoral landscapes in conflict and post-conflict environments. To help meet this pressing need, USIP established the Academy Online to help educate and train practitioners to manage and transform conflict in all its phases, from preventing conflict to post-conflict peacebuilding.  Academy Online courses bridge theory, research and practice to provide a rich learning experience that is academically rigorous, skill based and applied. The platform leverages online technologies, multimedia, and social media to effectively equip practitioners and increase retention of knowledge and skills learned. Practitioners worldwide can now access courses anywhere and anytime in a self-paced, online delivery format that enables convenient and flexible learning.

Key Features

  1. Engaging instruction by expert practitioners
  2. Dynamic instruction through professional audio, video and graphic production
  3. Curricula infused with case studies, exercises and readings
  4. Guest experts who share practical tips, best practices and lessons learned
  5. Discussion forums and social media that allow students to share and connect with others around the world
  6. Courses that accommodate students with low, limited or sporadic Internet access

Check it out here.