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Seven killed as race car hits crowd in Sri Lanka

The car ploughed into a crowd at the Fox Hill Supercross event, killing officials and spectators.

Seven killed as race car hits crowd in Sri Lanka

The car ploughed into a crowd at the Fox Hill Supercross event, killing officials and spectators.

Kurdish separatists, water issues loom large in long-awaited Erdogan visit to Iraq

BAGHDAD — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Iraq Monday for his first official visit in more than a decade as his country seeks greater cooperation from Baghdad in its fight against a Kurdish militant group that has a foothold in northern Iraq. Other issues also loom large between the two countries, including water supply issues and exports of oil and gas from northern Iraq to Turkey, which have been halted for more than a year. Erdogan’s last visit to Iraq was in 2011, when… Read Full Article

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Earth Day puts focus on conservation efforts

How do you build without over polluting? That's the challenge of new Catan board game

A new version of the popular board game Catan aims to make players wrestle with a 21st-century problem: How do you develop and expand without overly polluting the planet?

Ecuador votes for tougher security amid gang violence

In a referendum, Ecuadoreans voted in favour of allowing the military to patrol the country's streets.

Terry Anderson, US journalist held hostage in Lebanon for years, dies

Terry Anderson was abducted and detained during Lebanon's civil war in the 1980s when a journalist for AP.

India opposition criticises Modi for 'hate speech'

The PM accused opponents of wanting to give wealth to "infiltrators", in remarks seen as anti-Muslim.