Building Relationships

Two culture experts discuss the importance of developing bonds with your team to achieve mission success.
Video Transcript

(Note: This transcript has been edited for readability.)
Expert 1: Culture goes both ways. No matter what country you’re going to, they’re going to want to know about you. They’re going to want to know about the United States. They’re going to want to know about the United States Army. They’re going to want to know about your family. Take the opportunity to have that back-to-back, point-to-point conversation. You’ll learn something, they’ll learn something, and at the end of the day, it’ll be okay.

Expert 2: I value people. I understand that whatever I’m trying to do, I can’t do by myself. I’m not capable enough to do that. I need the team, I need to interact. And I think we are task driven, so we do understand that we have to achieve something. It’s the old “honey and vinegar” analogy. You get more with honey. Work with people, understand them, and they, in turn will work with you and understand you. 

Two culture experts discuss the importance of developing bonds with your team to achieve mission success.