Take Our Newest VCAT on the Republic of Korea

VCAT Republic of Korea image

The Defense Language and National Security Education Office, in partnership with U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, has launched the latest Virtual Culture Awareness Trainer (VCAT) on the Republic of Korea (ROK).

VCATs are intended to provide cultural awareness and language training using gaming technologies along with other innovative methods. VCAT ROK covers the history of Korea, details on serving with the United States Forces Korea (USFK), as well as basic information on how to conduct yourself while deployed to the country. Mission-specific lessons include Participating in Leader Engagements, Training with Host Nation Military, and Social Gatherings. Users also have the option to learn key Korean phrases as part of each lesson, as well as how to work with interpreters.

The lesson is available on Joint Knowledge Online, which is accessible for all CAC holders. Don't have a one? You can be sponsored to create an account and access all of our VCATs. Visit this page to learn more about how to create your JKO account.