Geography of Kazakhstan

Video Transcript

If you think of the landscape around Almaty in the southeastern part of the country, I would think [unclear] range at Ft. Bliss [Texas]. So, kind of a flat area, there's mountains in the distance, but not particularly any hills that you're going to be hiking over. It's kind of a dry steppe area, I guess I would call it, a desert-type steppe. Dry grass [and] that type of thing. With the Qapshaghay area there is a man-made lake nearby. But again, I would call it a little bit more desert-y that the Illisky area, but again, the same dry, dusty, flat. In the distance to the south, the city of Almaty, and that's based on a very large mountain range there.

In this video, a U.S. Army National Guard command sergeant major discusses the geographic landscape of Kazakhstan.