Germany: A guide to Flammkuchen (pizza)

Kate Rustad

Going to Germany will certainly provide you with a unique culinary experience – though not in the way that you might expect. Neighboring French cuisine historically focused on inspired presentations and experiences with the aim of impressing kings; but German food had the important goal of making sure workers were satiated.

The Legendary Creature Known As Krampus

Colleen Brown
In December, naughty children in Central Europe — Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, and the Czech Republic — face more severe consequences than coal in their stockings. That’s because St. Nicholas (Santa Klaus in the United States) brings along a far less jolly companion when visiting their homes.

10 Things You Many Not Know About Germany

Colleen Brown
Forests and woodlands cover one-third of Germany. Culturally, Germans have always embraced woodlands—a reverence that’s reflected in the practice of “waldeinsamkeit”—a type of nature therapy translating to “solitude of the forest.”