Hindi Slang to Help You Speak Like a Local

A group of four teenagers are talking and laughing outside in front of trees

Nearly 425 million people in India speak Hindi as their first language. If you plan on visiting India, here are a few phrases to help you fit in with the locals you encounter.


Hindi speakers use yaar as an equivalent to “bro” or “dude” in English. People primarily use the term in casual interactions with their friends, and when speaking to strangers you might commonly interact with, like taxi drivers and shop associates. 

A few phrases also use yaar to express emotions. Arre yaar conveys that you are anguished, and abbey yaar means you are annoyed.


In India, jugaad isn’t only a term, but also a way of life. Jugaad represents a flexible approach to problem-solving and getting out of tricky situations innovatively. The word refers to having solutions for many types of problems and is used as a response to someone who says they are trying to fix an issue.


The literal translation of ghanta in English is “bell;” however, it became a popular slang word that means “yeah, right!” This word expresses disbelief and is a way to call out someone who is telling lies. It is a sarcastic phrase to tell somebody their story is nonsense.


People say dhinchak to refer to an item that is too flashy. It’s like the term “bling” or “swag” in English and can describe a person that tries too hard to show their wealth with material items.


Oye is a greeting like “hey,” but serves a dual purpose and can replace the name of a close friend. If someone calls you over by saying oye in place of your name, it shows that you two are close. People also say oye when trying to get the attention of a child. 


When said neutrally, arre is another word used to get someone’s attention; however, the meaning changes depending on your tone. If you say arre in a high tone, it expresses surprise; and in a low tone, it expresses exasperation.

Learn More:
15 Hindi Slang Phrases You Need to Know
13 Indian Slang Words to Help You Talk Like a Local