Navy Launches Mobile App for Culture Readiness

Graham Plaster
The U.S. Navy recently released a new application for mobile devices to support personnel and families stationed or deployed abroad.  The app assists with learning basic cultural awareness and language skills and provides material for six fleet concentration areas: Bahrain, Italy, Japan, Spain, the Republic of Korea, and the Philippines.

What are technology's effects on culture?

Graham Plaster
There are more mobile phones than adults in most African countries. This is having a significant economic, social and cultural impact on the continent. One of the cultural effects has been a growth in the number of innovators and entrepreneurs leveraging mobile technology in areas like business, healthcare and education.

The Cross ­Cultural Assessment Tool

Graham Plaster
The Cross-Cultural Assessment Tool was developed in 2010 by ARI and 361 Interactive with the support of funding through the Small Business Innovation Research effort. The tool is a standalone battery of questions that is administered on a computer and assesses an individual Soldier’s cross-­cultural competence.

IARPA can help develop, deploy enhanced soft power

Steve Hammons

The U.S. intelligence community’s relatively new research and development group can include efforts to enhance soft power assets as part of their ongoing activities dealing with emerging challenges.

The recently-formed Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) has evolved from previous intelligence activities and is now trying to model itself on the respected Defense Advanced Research Projects Activity (DARPA), created in 1958.