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VCAT Africa Preview

The purpose of these courses is to provide cultural awareness and language training using gaming technologies along with other innovative methods. VCAT Africa courses focus on the countries, regions, and languages of the continent.


The purpose of this course is to provide cultural awareness and language training using gaming technologies along with other innovative methods. It is a customized, web-based course on Joint Knowledge Online.

Successful Cross Cultural Negotiation - Mexico

This video demonstrates a successful cross cultural negotiation you may encounter during your military career. Once you view this video, see how the unsuccessful negotiation went wrong and what you could do to ensure mission success while negotiating across cultures.

Culture in Military Operations

This video describes the role and importance of culture in military operations and the need to have cross cultural competence.

Culture Matters: Why

This video highlights the importance of asking "why." This is a part of the Culture Matters series.

Culture Matters: Roots

This video discusses what is seen and unseen in cultures: behaviors and norms, and values and beliefs. This is a part of the Culture Matters video series.

Culture Matters: Baseball and Tennis

This video asks the question: what if you applied your own cultural model to a new culture? This is a part of the Culture Matters video series.

Culture Matters: Stone to Stone

This video highlights how to manage feeling off-balance in another culture. This is a part of the Culture Matters video series.

Culture Matters: Mistakes

This video discusses the importance of acknowledging the mistakes you will make when interacting with other cultures. This is a part of the Culture Matters video series.