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Americans in Kuwait

In this video, a retired Army major discusses positive Kuwaiti and American relations.

Female Service Members in Kuwait

In this video, an Army captain speaks about being a woman working in Kuwait.

Greetings in Kuwait

In this video, an Army captain speaks about simple phrases in Arabic.

Hospitality in Kuwait

In this video, a retired Army major discusses the culture of gift giving.

Body Language in Kuwait

In this video, an Army captain speaks about social faux pas to avoid in Kuwait.

Geography of Kazakhstan

In this video, a U.S. Army National Guard command sergeant major discusses the geographic landscape of Kazakhstan.

Wealth and Social Class in Qatar

In this video, a retired Army major describes the presentation of material wealth in Qatar.

Americans in Qatar

In this video, a retired Army major describes the reception of the U.S. military in Qatar.

Religion in Qatar

In this video, a retired Army lieutenant colonel describes life and religion in Qatar.