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Phrases to Know in Korean

A service member discusses making an effort to speak Korean.

After Action Reviews in Korea

A service member discusses formal and informal after action reviews.

Professional Negotiations in Korea

A service member discusses professional negotiations with Korean counterparts.

Punctuality in Korea

A civilian discusses the importance of being punctual in Korea.

Food in Korea

A civilian discusses the food in Korea.

Driving in Korea

In this video, a service member discusses how driving in South Korea is not for the faint of heart.

US Culture's Influence in Korea

An American of Korean descent discusses the influence of American culture on South Korea.

World Factbook Travel Facts

The CIA's World Factbook Travel Facts offer fact sheets with information on over 150 countries.

Get a JKO Account

Are you interested in taking our Virtual Culture Awareness Trainers (VCATs)? In order to access them, you need a Joint Knowledge Online, or JKO, account. This document outlines how to get one if you are a CAC-holder.