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Language Survival Kits (LSKs)

DLIFLC's Language Survival Kits include text, audio recordings, and translations for up to 3,000 mission-related phrases covering specific topics including: Air Crew, Basic Phrases, Civil Affairs, Cordon/Search, Force Protection, Medical, Military Police, Naval Commands, Public Affairs, and Weapons.

Legends & Folktales

DLIFLC's Legends & Folktales offers short animated pieces introducing famous myths, legends, and folktales from cultures across the globe to enhance cross-cultural literacy and provide insight into societies.


DLIFLC's Headstart2 includes 80 to 100 hours of instruction, interactive tasks, language-specific pronunciation guides, cultural familiarization and orientation modules.

Social Dynamics in Sri Lanka

A service member discusses social dynamics in Sri Lanka.

Foreign Relations in Uzbekistan

In this video, a U.S. Army lieutenant colonel discusses Uzbekistan's foreign relations.

Religion in Bahrain

In this video, a retired Army lieutenant colonel discusses the religious demographics of Bahrain.

Rural Life in Bahrain

In this video, a retired Army lieutenant colonel discusses regions of Bahrain outside of urban city centers.

Greetings and Gestures in Bahrain

In this video, an Arabian Peninsula expert discusses greetings and gestures common to the Arabian Peninsula.

Learning Basic Arabic Phrases in the Arabian Peninsula

In this video, a retired Army major discusses the importance of learning the local language and explains a few key Arabic phrases.