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Gavage in Mauritania

In this video, a Mauritanian expert explains gavage.

Language in Mauritania

In this video, a Mauritanian expert discusses the linguistic landscape in Mauritania.

Climate of Mauritania

In this video, a Mauritanian expert discusses the climate in Mauritania.

Slavery in Mauritania

In this video, a Mauritanian expert discusses slavery in Mauritania.

Religion in Mauritania

In this video, a Mauritanian expert explains religion in Mauritania.

Etiquette in Mauritania

In this video, a Mauritanian expert explains politeness and greetings in Mauritania.

Agriculture in Kenya

In this video, a native Kenyan discusses agriculture in Kenya.

Climate in Kenya

In this video, a native Kenyan discusses the climate in Kenya.

Linguistic Landscape in Kenya

In this video, a native Kenyan discusses multilingualism in Kenya.