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Perceptions of Americans in Algeria

In this video, an Algerian national discusses perceptions of Americans in Algeria.

Standard of Living in Libya

In this video, a Tunisian national discusses the standard of living in Libya under Gadhafi.

Women in Libya

In this video, a Tunisian national discusses how to stay safe as a woman in Libya.

Tribes and Tribalism in Libya

In this video, a Tunisian national discusses tribes and tribalism in Libya.

Corruption and Crime in Libya

In this video, a Tunisian national discusses crime and safety in Libya.

Regionalism in Libya

In this video, an Algerian national gives a brief overview of the regions in Libya.

Government Under Gadhafi

In this video, a Algerian national discusses Libya's government under Gadhafi.

Post-War Tensions in Libya

In this video, an Algerian national discusses the rebellions in Libya.

Political Environment in Libya

In this video, a Tunisian national discusses the constant change of Libya's political environment.