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Corruption in Kazakhstan

In this video, a U.S. Army civilian employee discusses corruption and bribery within the police force.


In this video, a Kazakh native discusses the capital of Astana.

Food in Kazakhstan

In this video, a U.S. Army National Guard command sergeant major discusses the cuisine in Kazakhstan.

Introduction to Tajikistan

In this video, a U.S. Army National Guard major provides a brief insight into the cultural values of Tajikistan.

Religion in Tajikistan

In this video, a U.S. Army National Guard major discusses the prevalence of Islam in Tajikistan.

Dress in Tajikistan

In this video, a U.S. Army civilian employee discusses female clothing in Tajikistan.

Foreign Relations Between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

In this video, a U.S. Army lieutenant colonel discusses the contentious water issue between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Linguistic Landscape of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

In this video, a U.S. Army National Guard major and a U.S. Army lieutenant colonel discuss the linguistic landscape in Tajikistan.

Independence and Civil War in Tajikistan

In this video, a U.S. Army lieutenant colonel discusses the post-civil war sentiment in Tajikistan.