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In this video, a U.S. Army National Guard major and a U.S. Army lieutenant colonel describe Tajikistan's capital of Dushanbe.

Demographics of Kyrgyzstan

In this video, a U.S. Army civilian employee discusses the various ethnic groups in Kyrgyzstan.

The Move to Independence in Kyrgyzstan

In this video, a U.S. Army civilian employee discusses the 1990 ethnic clash in Osh.

Religion in the Central Asian States

In this video, a U.S. Army civilian employee discusses religion and Islam in the Central Asian States.

Border Disputes in the Central Asian States

In this video, a U.S. Army civilian employee discusses the border dispute between the Central Asian States.

Cuisine of Kyrgyzstan

In this video, a U.S. Army civilian employee discusses the cuisine in Kyrgyzstan.

Former Soviet Rule in the Central Asian States

In this video, a U.S. Army civilian employee discusses Joseph Stalin's intent in breaking up the Central Asian States' borders.

Demographics of Tajikistan

In this video, a U.S. Army National Guard major discusses the ethnic landscape of Tajikistan.

Geography of Tajikistan

In this video, a U.S. Army National Guard major describes the geographic landscape of Tajikistan.