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Korean Barbecue

In this video, a subject matter expert describes the enjoyment of eating at a Korean barbeque restaurant.

Takeout Restaurants in Korea

In this video, a subject matter expert describes the value of exploring local takeout restaurants.

Living Off Post in Korea

In this video, a service member discusses paying rent in cash when living off post.

Graphical Situation Reports in Korea

In this video, a service member describes the value of a having graphical situation report during exercises.

Greetings in Korea

In this video, a service member describes the appropriate ways to conduct greetings in South Korea.

The Importance of Age in Korean Culture

In this video, a service member discusses how knowing the age of other people is important in Korean culture.

Learning Korean

In this video, a service member discusses speaking Korean in South Korea.

Leader Engagements in Korea

In this video, a service member discusses the seating arrangements at leader engagements event.

Korean Restaurants

In this video, a service member describes the typical food served at a Korean restaurant.