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Korean Restaurants

In this video, a service member describes the typical food served at a Korean restaurant.

Social Gatherings at Restaurants in Korea

In this video, a service member describes a social gathering at a restaurant hosted by South Korean counterparts.

Planning Missions with South Koreans

In this video, a service member describes the nature of planning missions with South Koreans.

Professionalism During Training Exercises in Korea

In this video, a service member describes a training exercise.

Being Korean-American in Korea

A Korean-American civilian discusses being of Korean descent while living and working in South Korea.

Handling Unexpected Situations in Korea

A service member describes how to present yourself professionally in unexpected situations.

ngaging with Counterparts at Social Gatherings in Korea

A subject matter expert discusses engaging with counterparts at social gatherings.

Speaking Korean

A service member discusses making an effort to speak Korean.

Phrases to Know in Korean

A service member discusses making an effort to speak Korean.