The History of Italian Ravioli

Natalie Halpern
The word ravioli comes from the Italian verb “riavvolgere,” which means “to wrap.” The dumpling is made by “wrapping” fillings like ricotta, meat, cheese, and vegetables in two thin layers of egg pasta dough.

10 Things You Many Not Know About Germany

Colleen Brown
Forests and woodlands cover one-third of Germany. Culturally, Germans have always embraced woodlands—a reverence that’s reflected in the practice of “waldeinsamkeit”—a type of nature therapy translating to “solitude of the forest.”

How Imsil Became South Korea's Cheese Region

Colleen Brown
Cheese didn’t make its debut in the Korean diet until 1964 when a Belgian missionary Didier t'Serstevens arrived in Imsil County. He wanted to help grow the parish's struggling economy and decided to raise two mountain goats.