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Cross Cultural Competence Trainer

The Cross Cultural Competence Trainer 2.0 is an immersive training experience designed to boost knowledge of universal culture concepts as well as prepare users to engage effectively across cultures.

Culture Matters: Beliefs

This video looks at importance of being aware of and respecting other spiritual and religious beliefs. It is a part of the Culture Matters video series.

Culture Matters: Formation Run

This video looks at the concept of working together and adjusting to fit the pace of the culture around you. This is a part of the Culture Matters video series.

Culture Matters: Force vs Impact

This video highlights the difference between force and impact, and how culture can be a powerful tool in neutralizing a threat. This is part of the Culture Matters video series.

Culture Matters: What Right Looks Like

This video looks at the idea that every soldier is a sensor, and how knowing local culture helps in understanding what is normal and what is not normal. This is a part of the Culture Matters video series.

Culture Matters: Fire Hose

This video highlights how a person cannot learn everything about a culture all at once. It takes time. This is a part of the Culture Matters video series.

Culture Matters: Languages

This video emphasizes that no matter how much training and experience you have, there is always more to learn when it comes to mastering a culture. This is a part of the Culture Matters video series.

Culture Matters: Stop Motion

Culture is people, and happens in the space between people. This is a part of the Culture Matters video series.

Culture Matters: Get in the Pool

You can learn a lot without ever getting into another culture, but you will never really know it until you're in it. This is a part of the Culture Matters video series.